If you’re one of the many patients that are not getting the treatment you need because of fear, anxiety, sensitive reflexes, past experiences, and other conditions that make conventional dentistry impossible, sleep dentistry will give you the opportunity to care for your teeth once again. The clinic offers a variety of sedation options to help you relax before and during dental procedures including oral conscious sedation, IV moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia. Rest assured that our professional and experienced team will provide you with the highest standards of quality and safety.
Conscious Sedation Options
Using a mild or moderate oral or IV medication to help you relax in combination with a local anesthetic to block pain, conscious sedation will allow you to stay awake during your dentist appointment. While you will be conscious, you may not be able to recall the appointment.
Deep Sedation Options
With deep sedation, the patient is unconscious and cannot be aroused but can respond to repeated physical stimuli. During deep sedation the patient breathes on their own and maintains some protective reflexes. Sleep dentistry usually refers to deep sedation. Only dental anesthesiologists, oral surgeons, and medical anesthesiologists are trained and qualified to administer this level of sedation.
About General Anesthesia (GA)
General anesthesia is used for patients who want or need to be completely asleep and unconscious during the dental treatment. It is an option for when Dr. Ji is only providing the anesthetic and another practitioner is providing the dental work. It is usually due to the patient requiring specialized or complex dental treatment which Dr. Ji is unable to perform. It is always administered in the safest way possible with the necessary equipment available at our specialized clinic. It is administered through an injection in the arm or hand. It can also be supplemented by a face mask, although you may not remember this after your appointment.
Your oral health is our priority.
If anxiety or apprehensions about the dental process have held you back from attending regular dental appointments, our clinic is ready to offer you a safe strategy with collaboration from dentists who specialize in gums, prosthetics (crowns, bridges, implants), and root canals that will help to rehabilitate your oral health. Call us today to book an appointment.